Position: Partner
Main activities: Partner: urban planning and construction, energy, environment and litigation
Address: Via Visconti di Modrone 12, 20122 Milano
Email: marta.spaini@ammlex.it
Telephone: +39 026208161
Fax: +39 0262087927
Marta Spaini
Marta Spaini is a Court of Cassation lawyer with an extensive experience in the field of administrative law with specific knowledge of the fields of urban planning, construction, energy and environment also with important international clients.
With regard to the field of urban planning, Marta Spaini provides assistance to national and international operators in the assessment and implementation of development projects by handling every stage, from the urban planning and construction classification to the definition of the most appropriate administrative procedures (including program agreements, implementation plans and variants, agreements and other negotiated planning documents). She has dealt with the disposal of real estate assets also through the establishment and transfer to real estate funds.
With regard the field of energy she has followed many cases of implementation of energy production plants, including greenfield plants, both from traditional and renewable sources and related connection networks to the national transport systems, dealing with every aspect of the authorization procedure, including liaising with any bodies involved (Ministeri, Sovrintendenze, local authorities, GSE, Energy Regulatory Authority, Networks and Environment - ARERA).
Professional Experience
2019-ongoing Partner Amministrativisti Associati Studio Legale
Partner: urban planning and construction, energy, environment and litigation
1998–2019 Associate and then partner of Studio Leone-Torrani e Associati
Marta Spaini is registered with the Milan Bar and is authorized to practice law with the higher Courts. After graduating in law with Università degli Studi di Milano, she took an in-depth course in international environmental law and, subsequently, began her cooperation with Studio Leone - Torrani e Associati.
2014 Cassation Lawyer
Member of the Milan Bar Association – Cassation Lawyers section
2002 Lawyer
Milan Bar Association
1998 Law degree - Università Statale degli Studi di Milano
- Società Lombarda degli Avvocati Amministrativisti
Recent publications
- LINEE GUIDA: I fondamentali per una gestione efficiente degli impianti di pubblica illuminazione, del progetto Lumière dell’Enea, settembre 2012
- Le novità in tema di comunicazioni post-gara e il termine sospensivo per la stipulazione del contratto in “La “Direttiva ricorsi in materia di aggiudicazione degli appalti pubblici”, Egea, Milano, 2010
- Commento agli artt. 26-29, La valutazione di impatto ambientale, in AA. VV, Il codice dell’ambiente, Giuffrè, Milano, 2008