Maria Alessandra Bazzani


Position: Partner
Main activities: Partner in charge of Procurement and Litigation and jointly in charge of the urban planning and expropriation department
Address: Via Visconti di Modrone 12, 20122 Milano
Phone: +39 026208161
Fax: +39 0262087927

Maria Alessandra Bazzani

Founder and Partner


Maria Alessandra Bazzani is a cassation lawyer and has an in-depth expertise of administrative law with a specific specialization in different sectors of public contracts, urban planning, construction and expropriations.

Within the field of territorial zoning, she has gained significant experience with regard to the redevelopment of extensive territorial areas, also within the scope of the Accordi di Programma (Program Agreements), and the implementation of direct building operations subject to agreements (building permits, DIA (notice of commencement of works)), and was a consultant for the municipalities of the Region of Lombardy for the drafting the Territorial Zoning Plan.

In the field of public contracts, mainly supplies and services, Avv. Bazzani provides assistance both at the consultancy stage (preparation of tenders and tender specifications) and with regard to a number of disputes before TAR and Consiglio di Stato (Council of State).

She held the position of arbitrator and president in arbitration proceedings with regard to performance of public contracts.

In the academic year 2011-2012 she was a guest lecturer to teach Urban Planning Law and Public Works at the Faculty of Architecture of Politecnico di Milano.

She is a member Osservatorio Edilizio Cittadino of the Municipality of Milan.

She is board member of Società Lombarda degli Avvocati Amministrativisti (SOLOM)

She is a speaker at conferences and author of a number of publications with specific reference to the areas of urban planning, program agreements, landscape heritage and expropriations.

Work experience

2008-ongoing Founding Partner Amministrativisti Associati Studio Legale
Partner – head of procurement and litigation, and partner in charge – jointly – of urban planning and expropriation

2006-2007 Partner Studio Legale Tributario Associato, corrispondente di “DLA Piper”
Partner in charge of regulated law (procurement, competition, environment)

2003-2006 Partner Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe
Partner in charge of the administrative law department

2000-2003 Partner Studio Legale Tributario, corrispondente di “Ernst & Young International”
Lawyer specialized in construction and urban planning, procurement and litigation


Avv. Bazzani is a member of the Milan Bar Association and is qualified to practice law with the higher courts.

Cassation Lawyer
Member of the Milan Bar Association – Cassation Lawyers section

1988 Lawyer
Milan Bar Association

Law degree with a mark 110/110 with honours - Università Statale degli Studi di Milano



Conferences and publications

Recent conferences

Organizer: SOLOM – Società Lombarda Avvocati Amministrativisti
Title: Seminari di Aggiornamento Professionale: La Disciplina Regionale sul Consumo del Territorio
Date: 12 June 2018
Venue: Milano

Organizer: SOLOM – Società Lombarda Avvocati Amministrativisti
Title: Corso sul Processo Amministrativo: Il giudizio di appello
Date: 8 June 2018
Venue: Milano

Organizer: Just Legal Services s.r.l.
Title: Master in Diritto e Processo Amministrativo – MDPA Edizione 2018: L’urbanistica. La pianificazione urbanistica e l’apposizione di vincoli sulle aree destinate all’esproprio. Le aree a standard, perequazione e compensazione (con cenni alle varie discipline regionali). Aree sottoposte a vincoli archeologici, storici, ambientali, paesaggistici
Date: 11 May 2018
Venue:  Just Legal Services s.r.l., Scuola di Formazione Legale, Via Laghetto 3, Milano

Organizer: Consulta Regionale Lombarda degli Ordini degli Architetti Pianificatori Paesaggisti e Conservatori
Title: Le città del futuro. Aver cura dei nostri territori
Date: 4 May 2018
Venue: Milano, Centro Congressi Palazzo delle Stelline

Organizer:  OSMI – Borsa Immobiliare di Milano
Title: Corso Esperto Valutatore Immobiliare – Diritto Amministrativo - Indici volumetrici; Vincoli e destinazioni; Diritti volumetrici nei PGT e nelle leggi regionali; Perequazione e incentivazione
Date: 7 July 2017
Venue: Università Cattolica, Milano

Organizer:  Ordine Architetti di Milano
Title: Seminario – “Prove di innovazione normativa”
Date: 22 June 2017 / 25 October 2017
Venue: Ordine degli Architetti


Recent publications

Un progetto per gli scali ferroviari milanesi (Il sistema regolativo) a cura di Giovanni Castaldo e Adriana Granato – Maggioli Editore, 2015

Accordo di programma, AA.VV., Agenda dei Comuni – Guida normativa, from 2003 to 2012

La tutela del patrimonio paesaggistico, storico e artistico – I Beni culturali, AA.VV., Agenda dei Comuni – Guida normativa, from 2003 to 2012

La perequazione e gli incentivi urbanistici nel PGT di Milano nella prospettiva della circolazione dei diritti edificatori, in AA.VV., La libera circolazione dei diritti edificatori nel Comune di Milano e altrove, a cura di M. De Carli, 2012

Riflessioni a margine: perequazione/PGT/Mi”, Dedalo, rivista bimestrale di Assimpredil ANCE, no. 20/2010