Ada Lucia De Cesaris


Position: Partner
Main activities: Partner in charge of urban planning, construction and environment
Address: Via Visconti di Modrone 12, 20122 Milano
Telephone: +39 026208161
Fax: +39 0262087927

Ada Lucia De Cesaris



Ada Lucia De Cesaris is a cassation lawyer and has an extensive knowledge of administrative law, and specifically with regard to urban planning, construction and environment.

She has followed urban development and urban planning development projects on behalf of relevant companies in this sector. She is a consultant for the development and disposal of private individuals and public participation assets, and supports investors and developers with procedures, and specifically following them in proceedings with public authorities.

Moreover, she carries out consultancy and support services with regard to issues related to energy sustainability and management of environmental criticalities.

She has carried out studies and drafted essays on environmental impact assessment, water pollution, ecolabel, ecoaudit, emissions into the atmosphere, waste, packaging, separate waste collection and noise pollution, activities at risk, and on the computerization of administrative activities. She has been an adjunct professor with Università degli Studi dell’Insubria -  Faculty of Environmental Sciences for teaching Environmental Law. She served as Assessore tecnico (technical councillor) with responsibility for Urban Planning, Private Construction and Agriculture (2011-2015) and was Vice Mayor of Milan (2012-2015), for the City of Milan.

She is the author of a number of publications with regard to the subjects she is specialized in.

Work experience

2018-ongoing Partner Amministrativisti Associati Studio Legale
Partner in charge of urban planning and construction, energy sustainability, environment.

2015-2017 Partner - NCTM Studio Legale
Partner in charge of the urban planning and construction, and Environment departments

2012-2015 Vice mayor of the City of Milan

2011-2015 Councillor with responsibility for Urban Planning, Private Construction and Agriculture (2011-2015) for the Municipality of Milan.


Avv. De Cesaris is a member of the Milan Bar association and is qualified to practice law with the higher authorities

2006 Cassation lawyer
Registration with the Milan bar association – Cassation lawyers section

1994 Lawyer
Registration with the Milan bar association

1984-85 Scholarship and master in “Sviluppo economico” (economic development) with UNIONCAMERE

1983 Law degree with a 110/110 mark and honour with Università Statale degli Studi di Milano


Partner of Istituto di Ricerche sulla Pubblica Amministrazione (IRPA) – 2016 onwards

Conferences and publications

Training courses

Organizer: Provincia di Brescia
Title: La disciplina in materia di procedimento amministrativo e Conferenza di Servizi alla luce della “Riforma Madia”
Date: 15 March 2018
Venue: Provincia di Brescia


Bonifica dei Siti Contaminati, 2012, Maggioli Editore

Codice dell'Ambiente. Commento alle recenti novità in materia di AIA, caccia, inquinamento atmosferico, rifiuti, VS e VIA, 2011, Giuffrè Editore

La Corte di Giustizia tra imputazione e accertamento delle responsabilità per danni all’ambiente e i poteri dell’Autorità competente per ottenere le misure di ripartizione, Quaderni della Rivista Giuridica dell'Ambiente, 2010, Milano

Obblighi di Bonifica e successori universali Quaderni della Rivista Giuridica dell'Ambiente, 2009, Milano.